
Which team did you WANT to win Super Bowl 43? The Arizona Cardinals

What is your favorite sport? A three-way tie between American Football, Basketball, and Track and Field


What is your favorite song? A tie between Right Round-Flo Rida and You Found Me-The Fray

What is your favorite blockbuster movie? Batman-The Dark Knight

What is your favorite TV show? The Simpsons

What is your favorite gaming system? Wii


Did you WANT Barak Obama to become president? A tie between Yes and No

Do you think A-Rod should make it to the Hall of Fame (After confessing to doing Steriods)? A tie between Yes and No 


What is your favorite house pet? Dog

What type of computer do you have? Mac

Food and Drinks

What is your favorite candy? A tie between Twix and Skittles

What is your favorite soda? A tie between Dr. Pepper and Mtn. Dew

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